SFC-Hyper Main Menu

Install Directions

1) Turn engine off, and disconnect the negative terminal from your battery.

2) Remove any panels to access the ECU, and connect the wires

  • Connect the BLACK wire to a secure ground source
  • Using the electro-tap connectors, tap into the RED wire for power, and tap into the GREEN wire for the RPM signal.
  • BROWN and PURPLE lines are the sensor signal lines. Please use the crimp-ons to cut the connection to the ECU and have it go through the SFC unit.

3) Once the wires are connected, re-connect your battery's negative terminal.

4) Once normal operation is confirmed, reinstall any loose panels and install the SFC unit in a stable place.

WARNING: Please make sure you get a secure ground source. This is your ECU we're talking about!

WARNING: Please use a proper crimping device to ensure that a proper signal is maintained.

WARNING: Please install the SFC unit in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or heat vents.