SFC-Hyper Main Menu

Standard Operation

Switch-pushing definitions:

Short Hold - less than 0.5 seconds
Long Hold - between 0.5 - 2.0 seconds
Continue to Hold - more than 2.0 seconds

Using the Memory Mapping banks

  1. A "Long Hold" on the Mode switch will change its color to RED and makes a short beep sound, but continue to hold until it makes a long beep sound. You'll see that the Memory Mapping bank display moves to the next number. If you "Continue to Hold" the button, the SFC unit will turn off.
  2. As above in 1) and in the illustration, you can switch to various memory modes during "Realmode"

"Setup" Mode

  1. A "Short Hold" of the Mode Switch during "Realtime" mode will put you into "Setup" mode. You'll see that the percentage monitor flashes, and the Mode Switch and the RPM light both light up RED.
  2. Once you select your RPM point, use the UP and DOWN button to select the fuel percentage. If you "Continue to Hold" the button, the numbers will scroll faster.
  3. After setting through 7000 RPM, a "Short Hold" on the Mode button will result in a short beep, Mode button changes back to GREEN, and the SFC returns to "Realtime" mode.
  4. The fuel map is saved in the location illuminated in Memory Map Number. As long as you don't turn off the main switch behind the SFC unit, your data will be saved, even if you turn the ignition to OFF.

If you don't do anything for 5 seconds in "Setup" mode, the SFC unit will return you to "Realtime" mode.